OaSIS Project is honoured to take part at the DEV&CO annual meeting and collaborative event of CNER (the Federation of Investment and Economic Development Agencies of France) and will be held on September 25th in Paris. This time it will take place in CNER partners’ RTE headquarters in la Défense and will also be co-organised by Financial Times. Please check following this link their program and application options.
In the 2019 edition, DEV&CO will have as the event’s main speaker Emmanuel Marill, the director of AirBnB in France and Belgium. He will talk about the development of this accommodation network towards, especially, the peripheric territories.
There will be many interventions touching various topics, being these amongst others: performance, attraction, industry territories, the relations between companies and communities. Some of the speakers on these matters are Marc Lhermitte (EY), Olivier Lluansi (Territoires d’industrie), and Béatrice Loriot (Béautiful Numbers).
Two series of workshops will be conducted regarding these four topics: talent attraction, international prospection, events, infrastructures. These workshops will be presented regarding the field of performance, and best practices on the matter will be introduced.
As a novelty, this year’s edition is engaging a much more collaborative format. There will be a Living Lab on economic intelligence serving territories and a World Café about the Industry Territories program.
EURADA’s Director Esteban Pelayo will be presenting the results and findings of H2020 OaSIS project. It aims to optimise the services provided by RDAs to SMEs by segmenting companies with a new software tool that enhances innovation support.