Having troubles searching for every detail of your regional economy to provide the best support to your companies? Big Data analysis is your answer! Next 4th of December will take place in Brussels Marketing4RDAs, a conference organised within the framework of the H2020 project OaSIS to offer solutions to enhance support RDAs provide to the companies in their region.
The event will feature many high-level speakers that will provide answers to the issues RDAs are facing right now regarding segmentation and innovation support. Natalia Martínez Páramo, Head of Unit at EASME will disclose important measures and call for opportunities the European Commission will soon deploy to provide support to SMEs.
The audience will then discover how the tool developed within the OaSIS project, OaSIS Portal works, and how it provides specific solutions to the segmentation needs of regional practitioners in an intuitive and dynamic way. Experts from over 10 European regions will then showcase their best practices on segmentation and innovation, providing the audience useful tips on how to identify and creatively solve a particular demand within their region.
Then several companies will share a demonstration of their cutting-edge software tools that can provide solutions to many of the problems you face. Sarah Russis, Head of Global Sales at fDi Intelligence Financial Times will showcase their Geographic Information System, an online business location analysis service tool. Avital Vallois, Manager at SindUp will display their monitoring tool to collect, process and analyse data. Finally, Gert Jan Mattens, Manager at Bureau van Dijk will describe it’s Big Data solutions to know what companies do and how they’re performing.
This event is intended to be a forum where RDA practitioners will find answers to their current issues thanks to the software solutions presented by the private sector, and also where companies are invited to come and find dozens of potential clients for their tools. For this reason, the conference will conclude with a public-private dialogue and a final networking cocktail to bridge the gap between both sectors. Join us and discover Big Data!
Please find more information at the official web site and register here for free.
Useful Links to the Tools Presented