Friday 14ᵗʰ of June will be an important milestone in the OaSIS Project as we will hold a workshop on how to improve SME segmentation and innovation support. It will take place at EURADA’s premises in Brussels, (Rue Montoyer, 24). It is totally free of charge and open to anyone interested, and will be a great opportunity to meet other practitioners involved in innovation and SME support. Don’t miss this learning & networking experience and please register here for free!
The workshop will be organized by OaSIS project in cooperation with Bureau van Dijk, Watson and SMEthod projects. It will enable exchange and knowledge transfer on the question of how regional public entities and development agencies can improve their use of data to get more information about their economic performance and provide better services for SME using segmentation techniques.
The first part of the conference will provide access to both public and private data. The Smart Specialisation Platform of the JRC of the European Commission will provide information of indicators using H2020 and ESF databases The company Bureau van Dijk will presented its services and product portfolio to support services to attract foreign direct investors (FDI) and innovation support agencies. The presentation will provide learning from benchmarking & big data analyses in order to find out what works best to achieve the highest impact.
The second part of the event is experience sharing session and the final joint discussion round by the three coordinators of the EU projects of segmentation that have been supported by the H2020 programme. This part of the workshop will be interactive to maximize workshop’s value for all the participants. The dialogue between policy makers, regional development professionals, and academics will not only illustrate the state of play but also point out opportunities for future enhancements.