Today is taking place at EURADA premises (Rue Montoyer 24) the Final Conference of the OaSiS Project entitled Marketing4RDAs. The Conference began with speeches of two women. First, Roberta Dall’Ollio, President of EURADA, warmly welcomed the participants and praised the OaSiS project describing it as a forward-looking initiative best exploiting data-mining so as to help policy-makers and regional practitioners make right decisions and adjust these according to the emerging needs of territories. Then followed Natalia Martínez, Head of Unit of EASME project, who stressed the importance for development agencies to share best practices about market segmentation for the benefit of SMEs.
In the next part of the morning session the leading role was played by three researchers of the Cracow University of Technology: Jakub Kruszelnicki, Mikolaj Golunski and Piotr Ciochon, who presented and analysed data collected in the framework of the Oasis project. This analysis shows how the real support from the RDAs affected SMEs’ performance. In order to do so, they developed a segmentation algorithm composed of several phases, from language process to unification of sources, from statistical analysis to creation of graphs and textual output.
After them, Manuel Noya, cofounder of Linknovate, presented a study conducted by his company which compared RDA and non-RDA supported SMEs’ growth in a particular RIS3 topic. The study concluded that SMEs supported by RDA had a bigger revenue and growth if. RDAs are, therefore, playing a crucial role in regional economic development.